Earned Media

Press Release 2024

Press release and photos available upon request please email Tom at tom@asianamericantown.com

From a Past Attendee

“I went to the first Asian American night market in Portland. I was reluctant to go due to distance and going to 626 Night Market but I still went pretty late. But unlike my past attendances, I got to feel like I was back home again. So many people who were just like me, look like me, and comfortable in this space like me. 

I felt so alienated in an area where there were few people I could identify with, and yet this very night I felt like I was at home where I belong. And seeing all this diversity of all faces made me happy and whole and proud of who I am. 

Like, I ate good food (even though many vendors ran out), got down on the floor (got challenged by a kid so I was super rusty since high school) and just lived in that moment of a couple hours before going home. I need more places like this and I truly want that feeling again.”